Heroin detoxification and types of Treatment facilities is a difficult but important decision an addict must take if they want to get clean. Heroin is one of the most difficult drugs to get off of and stay off of because of the effects it has on the brain and its physically addictive nature. Science, medication and advanced treatments have come a long way in helping treat heroin addicts and them to continue living happy sober lives. Heroin detoxification and types of treatment will enables the heroin addict to withdrawal from the heroin and lend time to the addict to learn how to live without it.

Heroin is very widespread among young folks now, more so than years ago. These young folks come from mostly middle class families.

Heroin stimulates the “Pleasure System” in the brain. The system involves Neurons that use neurotransmitters called “Dopamine”. The Neurons project to Nucleus Accumbens which then project to the Cerebral Cortex. It is other neurotransmitters systems that use endorphins that are responsible fore the withdrawals felt when heroin is stopped.

Once in the brain Heroin is converted to morphine by enzymes. The morphine then binds to opiate receptors in the brain that are part of the reward pathway in the brain which consists of the Cerebral Cortex, VTA,, Nucleus Accumbens, and the Thalamus. Morphine also binds to areas in the pain pathway of the brain which consists of the Thalamus, Brain Stem, and Spinal Cord. Three types of Neurons participate in the opiate action; one releases dopamine, a neighboring terminal that contains GABA, and the post-synaptic cell containing dopamine receptors. Opiates bind to opiate receptors on the neighboring terminal which sends a signal to send more Dopamine. Heroin therefore causes more Dopamine to be sent than needed causing excessive pleasure and blockage of pain.

The neurons over time have been used to this so when the Heroin has been stopped the person feels withdrawal symptoms for a few days, this can be quite unbearable and one big reason why Heroin addicts fail to stop using. There are some long term effects on the neurons that also can affect the addict and cause depression and anxiety for months afterwards.

Heroin detoxification in inpatient treatment facilities can help the patient withdrawal with little or no withdrawal symptoms through various medicines. There are different types of treatment facilities which patients can enter. Unfortunately insurances can make it very difficult for addicts to seek these types of treatments, and because of the very expensive cost often addicts are left to self destruct and have nothing left. It is then that there are state programs to pick up the tab or indigent spaces in these facilities. The insurance issues are a subject for another article which I am sure to publish soon. The four types of facilities are; Detox Units, Short Term Rehabilitation, and Long Term Rehabilitation and Outpatient Treatments. Outpatient treatments consist of two types which are Intensive Outpatient Treatment and traditional Outpatient Treatment.

Detox Units are often found in Hospitals but can be found in many Rehabilitation Facilities as well. The length of stay in these Units is usually 2 to 10 days. The Units are usually locked facilities but the patient does have the right to leave if they want to. The sole purpose is to detox the patient from the drug they are on through medications. The Units are staffed with nurses, doctors, therapists and counselors. This step of detoxification from heroin is very important because it is where the patient will detoxify the drug from there body and the staff will start to work with the patient in planning the treatment they will receive afterwards. Again, depending upon the patients insurance will determine where the patient will go. Sometimes the staff is working with the patient on this or they may have the patients family involved, and at times they will be working with Courts, Family Services, Probation Departments and other agencies. What happens with the patient afterwards is very important because just getting off of Heroin is usually not enough for the patient to remain free of Heroin for long. The patient needs to learn about their addiction and modify the way their brain thinks and learn to cope with things they have not for a long time.

Later articles about heroin addiction and the types of treatment facilities will get in depth on what each of those facilities have to offer and how they will lend a hand in giving a heroin addict the best shot at leading a Sober Life.

More on Heroin Detox with Medicines:

Heroin Treatment Methadone Treatment

Heroin Addiction Suboxone Treatment

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Heroin Addiction History


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