Heroin addiction and the choice of using residential inpatient treatment is probably going to be the best choice an addict can make to ensure they do not relapse. Studies show that inpatient treatment of more than three months has the best results (DATOS – Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Studies ) interestingly the study shows that heroin addicts who were still in OMT after1 year (outpatient methadone treatment) were using far less heroin than those who left the program after a year. “Client sub samples with longer retention in long-term residential programs and in outpatient methadone treatment had significantly better outcomes than those with shorter lengths of stay (results were inconclusive for outpatient drug-free programs because of sample limitations).“

Types of Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Programs and Length of Stay

There are a variety of Residential Inpatient Treatment programs to choose from. There are mainly two types of treatment; short term and long term. Short term residential inpatient substance abuse treatment programs generally are from 28 days to 90 days. Insurances can dictate the length of stay for a patient which the facility usually will work around to benefit the patient as best as they can should their insurance allow a stay of only 2 weeks. Long term residential inpatient substance abuse treatment programs can be anywhere from 90 days on up to 2 years. The approach between the two treatments can be quite different.

Other Types of Residential Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

Other types of residential inpatient substance abuse residential treatment programs are available as well but are not as popular or are only partially inpatient. One that is not as popular is religious residential substance abuse programs that base the recovery more on religion. Another more popular type of residential inpatient residential substance abuse treatment program is called a “Half Way House”. This type of treatment involves treatment in the facility and out of the facility. Residents usually are working and can go home on weekends and Holidays. Longer term residential inpatient substance abuse treatment programs use this approach for patients who are nearing their term at the facility to slowly introduce them back into the communities.

Long Term Residential Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Approach

The approach the Long term residential inpatient substance abuse treatment programs take can vary. There are Biophysical, behavioral modification, religious, and those that focus on AA (Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve Step Recovery).

Long Term Behavioral Modification Programs

Behavioral modification programs focus on breaking the addicted patient’s character down by humiliation and various forms of ridicule, once the patient is broken down they then try to build the patient back up. Shaving patient’s heads, wearing diapers, and wringing out mops by hand all day are not uncommon practices at these facilities. This type of treatment is based on the Pavlovian idea that man can change his actions based upon stimulus and response. Many patients do not make it through this type of program and end up leaving to hold their dignity together. The success rate is very low and this type of program does not work well. They are becoming less popular. These programs can be up to two years in length and some use a slow integration back into the community allowing them to attend AA meetings and work on the outside as well as visits back home near the end of the patients treatment.

Long Term Religious Programs

These types of programs usually have a long waiting list and are difficult to get into. They are based mostly on religious beliefs and try to fill the addictive void of spiritual belief. This approach again has very low results as with many approaches.

Long Term 12 Step Programs

This type of program is most popular and has only slightly higher results than other approaches. It is based on AA (Alcoholics Anonymous 12 Step Recovery). It usually will incorporate after treatment plans such as counseling.

Long Term Biophysical Programs

This is a newer type of treatment that is springing up everywhere. The claim is it has very high results. There are many parts of the body that is damaged when taking drugs and this incorporates many of the other approaches but brings the body back to health quicker through vitamins and other ways of removing toxins from the body enabling the addict to think a bit clearer. Sometimes addicts suffer many psychological issues that do not enable them to get the full benefit of what they are learning when stopping heroin use or other drugs.

Heroin Treatment Residential Inpatient Treatments are definitely better than outpatient treatments and provide better results.

For more info on various treatments see the links below.

Heroin Detoxification and Other Types of Treatments

Rapid Detox Treatment Dangers

Heroin Treatment Methadone

Heroin Addiction Suboxone

Heroin Addiction History


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